Thursday, December 30, 2010

Don’t Go By Sparkle Alone

There is a common thread running through the spending habits. People share a fervent interest in diamonds. Demand for diamonds has shown consistent growth over the past three years, and this year too.
Though treasured by most, diamonds do not make for as good an investment as gold. Not in the short term, certainly not in the long term,for reasons ranging from ambiguities over pricing to grading and buyback opportunities.

Price of the diamonds are based on 5C’s
Carat  , Colour ,Clarity , Cut and Cost.

Price mentioned remains on paper,and jewellers are entitled to certain discount which varies.Above all there is no standardized benchmark for pricing. There is a lot more difficulty in diamond grading, which is graded from D to V with D being the best.Diamonds are best graded in raw form.As regards clarity, the clearest diamond is the rarest and hence the costliest. Many jewellers are hesitant to buy back a diamond because they may be unable to cough up money. The market is today flooded with American Diamonds of poor quality, which is crafted so stunningly that it is difficult to identify even with several lab tests.

The bottom line is that if you are buying diamonds for ornamental value, be warned of these disclaimers. If investment is in your mind, think twice..given the ambiguity and lack of standardisation.People value diamonds highly because they perceive them to be scarce.They are not.

Unitedworld Executive.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New Year’s Resolutions

Every coming Year itself demonstrates the Progress in the journey of our life, we grow older with the passing Days and we tend to forget the purpose of our life…
Here are 10 Resolutions for the coming Year

  1. Enjoy Life More Every Moment
  2. Learn New Things
  3. Help Others
  4. Quit Addiction, Start living
  5. Get Organized
  6. Fit in Fitness
  7. Spend Time with your Loved Ones
  8. Work for your dreams
  9. Set Goals High
  10. Most Important Be Happy

Unitedworld Executive.


The term identity theft is used to refer to a fraud, wherein an individual pretends to be someone else, in order to gain some or the other benefits he is not rightfully entitled to. In most of the cases, crimes pertaining to identity theft are related to financial issues. However, there are some cases, wherein the perpetrator intends to spoil the image of the victim or put him/her in a trouble.

The act of Identity theft can be broadly categorized into several types based on the motive of the perpetrator. Business identity theft refers to a scenario wherein the perpetrator pretends to be someone else, in order to get credit from the market, while criminal identity theft, refers to a scenario wherein the criminal pretends to be someone else when he is caught. The problem, in both the cases is that the victim has to bear the brunt of the perpetrators misdeeds. In most of the cases, by the time the victim realizes that someone has stolen his identity to commit some crime or fraud, it is too late. The victim is bound to have a tough time convincing the authorities that he is not responsible for the alleged malpractices. Identity fraud, i.e. the fraud committed by the perpetrator by posing to be someone else is a web of deceit, which is very difficult to come out of.

The only way to prevent such happening is to make sure that the people with whom you share crucial information are TRUSTWORTHY.

One must monitor his/her credit reports and other financial documents regularly specially in case of identity thefts in a business.

Using good antivirus programs, visiting trustworthy websites, changing passwords quite often, not clicking on suspicious links etc are some ways in which internet identity theft can be prevented.

Even after taking measures to prevent identity theft if one feels that any of his/her  vital information is compromised, it should be immediately reported to the concerned authorities, lodge a police complaint, and also a complain with the  Federal Trade Commission or Social Security Administration's Fraud Hotline, who monitor such frauds very intensely and come out with fast results.

Unitedworld Executive.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Reflections on Self Obsession

“ I suffer from accurate self-esteem”, Think you look good ? Think again..
Although we do indeed see ourselves in the mirror every day, we don’t look exactly the same every time. Which image is you? Research says that people on an average, resolve that ambiguity in their favor forming a representation of their image that is more attractive than they actually are.

Of course looks aren’t everything.Moral principles are far more important.
Psychologists have exposed the many ways that people subconsciously maintain and massage their moral self image.They rate themselves morally superior to the next person, overestimate the likelihood that they will act virtuously in the future,see their own good intentions as praise worthy while others as inconsequential. And they soften their moral principles while doing a truly dirty job, like carrying out orders to exploit uniformed customers.

We tend to lessen the import of our moral lapses as the time passes, while accentuating our propensity for performing good deeds.Such benign self delusions can grow into more malignant form of narcissism. Extreme case of narcissism compensates for deep inadequacies and requires a complete diagnosis.

Opposite end of this narcissism is malady known as body dysmorphic disorder, where the victims  becomes so obsessed with a perceived physical flaw that they often refuse to leave their house without covering their faces.Others turn to drugs, alcohol or compulsive cosmetic surgery, when one imagined flaw is corrected another often arises to take its place.

The best treatment to this is cognitive behavior therapy, where patients learn to incorporate the imagined defect into a more complete view of themselves.They might also be wise to pay heed to an old adage:When looking in the mirror,we are looking at the problem.But also the solution.

Unitedworld Executive.

Great Things come in Small Packages...

This story is about a Young boy studying in Graduation College; on his way to college there was a Car showroom, where he admired beautiful Sports Cars for many months now; knowing that his father can afford the same is told his father about his admiration.

Finally the Graduation Day was not far; his father called his son in his Private Study room, and expressed him how proud he was of his son handing over a beautifully wrapped Gift in his hands.

Curious but disappointed young boy opened the wrapper and found a lovely leather bound bible. Angrily the son raised his voice and shouted to his father: “with all the money you could buy this for me”, and stormed out of his house leaving the bible.

Years passed by the young boy became a successful Entrepreneur, he owned a beautiful home and was happy with his family, and he realized that his father is old and should perhaps go to him. Before he could make any arrangement he received a telegram that his father has passed by leaving all the possession in his son’s name.

His heart was in Pain and regretful, he reached home and began to search his father’s important papers, where he found the bible as it was, with tears in his eyes he opened the bible and began to turn pages, to his surprise he found an envelope taped to the bible.
It had a tag with the dealer's name, the same dealer who had the sports car he had desired. On the tag was the date of his graduation, and the words...PAID IN FULL

We have missed God’s blessings several times just because they are not packaged the way we expected...

Unitedworld Executive.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Different way of looking at life………

Should your car break down, leaving you miles away from assistance;Think of the paraplegic who would love the opportunity to take that walk..

Should you find yourself at a loss and pondering what is life all about, asking what is my purpose?
Be thankful. There are those who didn't live long enough to get the opportunity..

Unitedworld Faculty.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Gone are the days when Post Office was looked upon as mere communication and money transfer facilitator……….Post office now has turned as a reservation counter as well.
Many of us are not aware of the same, but the fact is RAILWAYS are providing train reservation facility at post offices in Mumbai.

As per the information from the postal department 14 post offices earned more than Rs. 80 lakh through reservations till 15th December this year.

However the post office have not yet used any marketing tool to communicate to public in general about the services rendered by them .for instance they even do not have boards informing about the facility.

Looking at the success of the above, around 500 post offices have been identified for the facility around Maharashtra state.

Unitedworld Executive.

Monday, December 20, 2010


He came, he spoke and he got 54000 jobs. This was the day when US President Barack Obama, visited India and charmed his way to force open Indian agriculture to American Corporations, and there hangs the fate of millions of small and marginal farmers.
Top on the agenda is to push Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to allow the entry of Multi-brand food retail. Agriculture sector needs well functioning markets to drive growth, employment and economic prosperity in rural areas.

Although nowhere in the world has big retail helped the farmers.Despite the growth of retail like Wal-Mart & Carrefour in US, farmer number has dwindled and come down to a very low level. Hunger and  poverty has broken a 14 year old record. In Europe , notwithstanding the presence of Tesco, one farmer quits agriculture For India too , multibrand retail will be the beginning of the end for Indian Farmers.No assessment has ever been made of the extent of job losses in the farm sector.

US is therefore trying to pierce open the developing country agriculture to sustain its own economy.Obama has made it abundantly clear when he repeatedly talks of seeking more market access from India.
Wonder how many more human lives are required to be sacrificed before the most powerful person on the earth, takes notice, and revive global farming by encouraging low external-input sustainable agriculture.

Unitedworld Executive.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

World’s Youngest CEO: Suhas Gopinath

When 14-year-old Suhas Gopinath started Globals Inc ten years ago from a cyber cafe in Bengaluru, he didn't know that he had become the youngest CEO in the world.  
Today, Globals is a multi-million dollar company with offices in the United States, India, Canada, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, Spain, Australia, Singapore and the Middle East and has 100 employees in India and 56 abroad. 
Among the several honors that have been bestowed upon this young man, the most prestigious is the invitation to be a member of the Board of the ICT Advisory Council of the World Bank.
In 2007, the European Parliament and International Association for Human Values conferred 'Young Achiever Award' on him. He was also invited to address the European Parliament and other business dignitaries assembled in the EU Parliament. He is also recognised as one of the 'Young Global Leaders' for 2008-2009 by the prestigious World Economic Forum. Suhas is the youngest member ever in the World Economic Forum's history. The other members include the Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal, Hollywood star Leonardo Di Caprio, musician A R Rahman, Prince of Brunei, etc. 
In this interview from his office in Bengaluru, Suhas Gopinath talks about his decade long journey and his dreams for the future.

On his childhood
I come from a middle class family. My father worked as a scientist for the Indian Army. I used to study in the Air Force school in Bengaluru.

As a child, I was more interested in animals and veterinary science. But when I saw my friends who had home computers talk about it, I had this urge to learn and talk in their wave length. But we didn't have a computer at home. In those days, computers were very expensive and we couldn't afford one.
So, what I did was, I located an Internet cafe near my house. With my modest monthly pocket money of Rs 15, I couldn't afford to surf the net every day. I noticed that the shop was closed in the afternoon from 1 PM to 4 PM. So, I offered to open the shop for him after my school hours and take care of the customers. In the bargain, he let me browse the net for free. That was the first business deal of my life and it turned out to be a successful one.

On building websites using open source technology:
Once I got the chance to manage the shop and browse the net, I started building websites. It became my passion in no time. 
I got hooked to open source technology after I started looking for e-books on how to build websites. They were not available as they were created in propriety sources. So, I started using open source to build websites. 
On getting the first contract to build a website
There is a freelance marketplace on the web where I could register and offer my services to build websites. I registered myself there as a website builder. 
The first website I had to do was free of cost as I had no references. It was for a company in New York. My first income was $100 when I was 13 for building another website but I didn't have a bank account. So, I told my father that I built a website and got paid for it.
I was not excited to get the money because money was not a factor that drew me to it. It was the passion for technology that attracted me. I used to build websites free of cost also. I was only a 9th standard student. After that, I built my own portal and called it Coolhindustan. It was focused on NRIs. It was a portal where I wanted to showcase my skills. 
After that, many companies approached me to be their web designer. 
On buying his first computer
When I was in the 9th standard itself, I had made enough money to buy a computer for myself. At that time, my brother was studying engineering and my father thought he needed a computer. In no time, I also bought one for myself. But we didn't have a net connection at home. 
My spending hours in the net cafe working on websites did affect my studies. I spent the entire summer vacation after the 9th standard in the cafe. 
On rejecting a job offer from the US
When I was 14, Network Solutions offered me a part-time job in the US and they said they would sponsor my education in the US. I rejected the offer because that was the time I had read a story about Bill Gates and how he started Microsoft.

I thought it was more fun to have your own company. Many US companies used to tell me that I didn't even have a moustache and they felt insecure taking my services. They used to connect my ability with my age and academic qualifications.
So, I wanted to start my own company and show the world that age and academic qualifications are immaterial. I decided then that when I started a company, I would recruit only youngsters and I would not ask for their academic qualifications and marks cards. I follow that in my company.

 On starting his own company at 14
Soon after my 9th standard summer vacation, I started my own company, Globals Inc. I wanted the name Global or Global Solutions but both were not available, so I named it Globals. 
I registered my company in the US as in India, you will not be able to start a company unless you are 18. It takes only 15 minutes to start a company in the US. I became the owner and CEO of the company. My friend, an American who was a university student, became a board member. I was very excited because that was what I wanted to do. From that day, I started dreaming of making my company as big as Microsoft.

On doing badly in school
In my pre-board CBSE exam, I failed in Mathematics. The school headmistress was shocked because that was the first time I had failed in any subject. She called my mother and said she was horrified by my performance.

At home, like any typical South Indian mother, my mother made me swear on her head that I would focus on academics. I told my mother that the world's richest man Bill Gates had not completed his education. Why do you force me then, I asked her. She then said, I am sure his horoscope and yours are not the same! I come from a family where entrepreneurship is considered a sin. My mother was quite upset. She wanted me to do engineering, then an MBA and work in a good company. As per my mother's wishes, I took a four-month sabbatical from my company and studied for my board exam. I passed with a first class.
I still feel that you cannot restrict yourself to bookish knowledge. I believe that practical knowledge is more important.
In the first year, the turnover of Globals Inc was Rs 1 lakh (Rs 100,000). The second year, the turnover went up to Rs 5 lakh (Rs 500,000).

On looking at Europe as a market
Till I was 16 or 17, I didn't tell my parents that I had started a company. I kept it a secret because I thought they would object to it. They only knew that I was a freelancer. We used to build websites and also offer online shopping and e commerce solutions. We even gave part time work to a few programmers in the US when we got many projects but we never had any office.
When I was 16, I saw that there were enormous business opportunities in Europe as a majority of the Indian IT companies were working for American companies. When I contacted a Spanish company, it rejected my offer saying Indians do not know Spanish. As an entrepreneur, you can't accept rejection, especially when you are young. I hired five student interns from some Spanish universities and told them they would be paid based on their successful sales. They were the people who met the companies and bagged the projects for us. By now, we decided to have a home office in Spain. 
I replicated the same model in Italy. I contacted some Italian university students.

On going to Germany to talk about entrepreneurship
The American newspapers were writing a lot about me as the world's youngest CEO at 14 from India, from a middle class background. It was a good story for the BBC also. I never expected to be in the limelight. For me, starting a company was like realising a passion of mine. On seeing these stories, a B-school in Germany invited me to talk to its students on entrepreneurship. I was 17 then. By now, I had completed my 12th standard and had joined Engineering in Bengaluru. 
When I was 18, we set up an office -- the European HQ in Bonn. Then, we moved to Switzerland. Six months back, we started our operations in Vienna as well. That is how we spread our operations from a small Internet cafe to become a multinational company with significant operations in Europe, Middle East, the US , Canada , the UK , Australia , etc. 
On registering a company in India at 18
The day I turned 18, I registered our company in India as Globals, opened an office and recruited four people. I opened the office next to the Internet cafe where I started my career. By then, he had closed shop and joined a factory as an employee. Whenever I met him, I used to tell him, 'you made me an entrepreneur but you stopped being one.'

On moving to creating products
We wanted our company also to be a product development company and our focus was on education, like the software that manages everything about a child while in school starting from admission till he/she leaves school and becomes an alumnus. It is a nasty software which students are going to be quite unhappy about! This software was aimed only at the Indian market. I want to be the market leader in ICT in education. 
Our software is being used in more than 100 schools all over India, Singapore and the Middle East. We are now in the process of raising funds. Once we do it, we will separate the company into two -- service and product development. I want to concentrate on products as I can't sail on two boats.

Suhas meeting with Sheikha Nayhan, Minister for Higher Education, the UAE
 On meeting former President Abdul Kalam

I met Dr Abdul Kalam when he was the President of India. I was 17 or 18 then. My meeting was scheduled for 15 minutes but we had such an intense conversation that it went on for one-and-a-half hours. 
I didn't feel that I was talking to the President of India. We talked like two friends. He was sitting in his chair across the table but after some time, he came and sat next to me. He is such a modest person that it was a learning experience for me. 
On being on the board of the World Bank
As per the wishes of my parents, I joined engineering but didn't complete my engineering: like Bill Gates! When I was in my 5th semester, the World Bank invited me to attend their board meeting. I am the only Indian on the board of the World Bank. 
The objective was to explore how ICT can improve the quality of education in the emerging economies, by bringing in accountability and transparency in their financial deeds. 
Robert B. Zoellick, the president of the World Bank, decided that they could not have only Americans on the board and needed people from across the world. As they were focusing on education, they wanted young minds to add value to the work. 
He preferred a young mind from an emerging country and that was how I got the invitation in 2005. Not even in my wildest dreams did I imagine that I would be on the board of the World Bank. The invitation was the most unforgettable moment in my life. I report directly to Robert B Zoellick!

Some of the others on the board are the CEO of Cisco, the vice president of Microsoft and the CEO of SAP; all Fortune 500 companies and me, the only Indian! 
I am helping the World Bank set policies on ICT in university education so that employability can be enhanced. My aim is to reduce the number of unemployed eligible youth in the world. Right now, we are concentrating on Africa. Soon, I want to shift the focus on to India. It has been an amazing experience for me. 
But I had to discontinue my engineering education at the time I joined the board, as I didn't have enough attendance in college!

On his dreams for his company
I have always believed that IT is not just technology but a tool that can solve the problems of people. That is what I want to do in my company. I want my company to be a market leader in software solutions concentrating on education. 
When I was younger, I didn't care about money. Now that I am responsible for my employees, I care about what we make. If I am not bothered about money, we cannot scale up our business.

When I started my company from a net cafe in Bengaluru, I never ever imagined that one day my company would be a multi-million dollar company and I would be on the World Bank board as a member. What drives me is my passion and it has been an amazing journey so far.

Unitedworld Executive.

Introduction of Plastic Currency Notes

The Government is seriously considering introduction of plastic currency notes in the country to check the menace of fake notes, RBI Governor D Subbarao said .The problem of fake currency notes being circulated has been affecting the economy to a great extent. RBI is preparing stringent standards in this regard and takes steps to check it.

Experience of countries like Australia and New Zeland, who have been using plastic currency since long, will also be taken into consideration before the implementation of this venture.
Australia's plastic money is made of a non-porous polymer with a specially developed protective coating so the notes stay cleaner and don't absorb moisture. After it does wear out, polymer money can also be recycled as plastic products.

The polymer substrate behaves a lot like paper and conventional printing techniques are used to apply ink to the surface. The major security measure is a see-through window which makes the plastic money difficult to reproduce using photocopiers and scanners.

Unitedworld Executive.


Homeopathy was written off as a “Witch Craft”, that had no scientific basis at all………

Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay (IIT-B) has established that the white pills work on the Principle of Nanotechnology. The Homeopathy Pills are made up of naturally occurring metals such as gold and copper, retain their potency even when diluted to a nanometre or one billionth of a metre.

Homeopathy has been conundrum for modern medicine. Its practitioners maintained that Homeopathy pills got more potent dilution but they could never explain scientifically.

Unitedworld Executive.


Let us relive our Memories with a New Management Lesson;

Once upon a Time, There was a Hare and a Tortoise who plan to keep a Racing Competition…..
The Hare keeps Running and realizes that he is a way ahead than the Tortoise plans to take rest, and then when he is out of his dream, to his surprise the tortoise has crossed the finishing line and he wins the Race.
Moral of the story: “SLOW AND STEADY WINS THE RACE”.

But what we dint know is that, the story does not end here…
The Hare does not dishearten due to his failure but does Soul Searching and learns from his mistakes, he calls upon a racing competition again… this time the hare without stopping in between continues to run and finally he wins.
Moral of the Story Changes: “FAST AND CONSISTENT WINS”.

Unitedworld Executive.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Reid & Taylor Files for IPO

Reid & Taylor is likely to be launched in the US market within eight months.

The brand is reportedly looking to raise around 1000 crore from public offering which are expected to be utilized for expansion plans. Textiles and apparel firm S. Kumars Nationwide Ltd. confirmed that its subsidiary Reid & Taylor has approached SEBI for permission to tap capital market with an initial public offering. It has filed its Draft Red Herring Prospectus (DRHP) with Securities and Exchange Board of India on December 9.

The proceeds from the IPO would be utilized to expand Reid & Taylors manufacturing capacity and retail network in India and overseas—said Mr. Ashesh Amin, Director, S. Kumars.

Unitedworld Executive.


Knowledge is not information, not just understanding, it is Theory with its Application. The purpose of MBA Education is to provide training in theory and Practice of Business Management.

An MBA is an Effective Tool to,
• To Switch over to a new Career Option
• To be an Entrepreneur
• To face the Competitive World
• To climb your Career Ladder
• To have Job Security
• To Enjoy Job Satisfaction
• To Develop personality as a Whole

As The Environment of Organization is becoming Complex Day by Day, there is increased demand for Managers with necessary skills, Understanding, Technique to cope up with the Upcoming Challenges.

“Manager when Faces a Challenge looks for a way, not a way out.”

Unitedworld Executive.

Friday, December 10, 2010


The director of The Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose Airport,Kolkata, Mr. R. Srinivasan expresses his urge to include Aviation and Airport Management as full time degree or diploma course in the curriculum of  B-Schools.

Mr. Srinivasan while addressing the students of Amity Global Business School at a seminar on “Challenges in Airport Management-NSCBI Airport” organized by BL club on 7th Dec 2010 , highlighted on strategic importance of an airport in the country and the importance of proper management of operations at the airport.

The rapid growth in the passenger flow and the rise in demand of better services, complacency on part of service sector is neither desirable nor acceptable. Creation of adequate infrastructure to accommodate increasing footfall at airport, privatization of airports is highly advisable especially Mumbai and Delhi airport. Inclusion of aviation courses in B-school will definitely produce trained and well qualified managers, who will be well equipped with expertise to face the existing challenges and smoothen up the present scenario.

Unitedworld Executive.

The Crab Story

Crabs they are of many types, those that are agile & clever enough cannot be caught, And yet, these crabs are caught by the thousands every day, thanks to a particular human trait they possess.

The trap is a wire cage with a hole at the top. Bait is placed in the cage, and the cage is lowered into the water. One crab comes along, enters the cage, and begins munching on the bait. A second crab joins him. And then the third.. However, all the bait is gone.

The crabs could easily climb up the side of the cage and through the hole, but they do not. They stay in the cage. Other crabs come along and join them — long after the bait is gone…And more.Should one of the crabs realize there is no further reason to stay in and attempts to leave, the other crabs will gang up on him and stop him…They will repeatedly pull him off the side of the cage. If he is persistent, the others will tear off his claws to keep him from climbing. If he persists still, they will kill him.

The crabs — by force of the majority — stay together in the cage. The cage is hauled up, and it’s dinnertime on the pier.
Successful are the people who have positions and in order to get that one has to keep moving…

Unitedworld Executive.

Ring or Resume

Decision lies with women…….gone are the days when the fairer sex was pushed till the core who submitted themselves to the world defeating all their desires by the sword of commands of the so called society whose wishes overshadowed theirs’ much in advance before they could even realize whats going on?

The divas’ of today know why they are born? They have understood that “ the purpose of life is a life of purpose”. The plight of women has surpassed all evils and injury…and their new rise is commendable.

Now, they know how to equate their life personally and professionally. They are well capable of maintaining the décor of their homes and workplace. Women today are much more aspiring and eager to build up their position to hold their head high.

The discretion entirely lies with the females…its their choice to prioritize “ RING or RESUME”, or give equal chance to both as its now a cake walk for them, two sides of coin seemingly.

Unitedworld Executive.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


The corruption at various levels in the system has given birth to insensitivity in the new generation, who find themselves helpless towards politics and government. The initiative for the launch of Students Parliament Website is to create an urge in the Indian youth for their active and voluntary participation in the social and political transformation of the country. The flavour of young generation in the integral part of policy and decision making process in government will automatically weed out corruption and other malpractices.

The veteran actor Nana Patekar was invited as a chief guest for the launch of  the website in Pune on December 5.The main motive is to keep the youth of India abreast of the Parliament.

MIT School of Govt.(MIT-SOG) in association with Ministry of Higher and Technical Education  is organizing the first Parliament of Indian Student Council Leaders( Bhartiya Chhatra Parishad) from Jan12-Jan14 Swami Vivekananda Mandap, MAEER’s MIT Pune. Participation of 10,000 to 12,000  students from 4000 colleges across the state, and 2000 colleges from across the country will be observed.
Youth is the trustee of prosperity……


Unitedworld Executive.

Monday, December 6, 2010


“COME WHAT MAY” … I shall not fall down …I shall stand for what I believe is true and right—if people are pregnant with such an attitude in life till they die, believe it or not-no one in this universe will ever get a chance to sympathize us with words “every dog has its day…your time will also come etc”, which either makes the other person the faithful animal who has his day today, or confirms my new status as a dog. Either or Or its proved that the ultimately dogs are dealt with.

If you cant control the wind, adjust your sail, but never ever deviate from what you desire to achieve.Just Goal it. Hurdles, Difficulties are just a small part, overtake them , repair them with high speed , they are just the hardwares..In the journey of your true success , you may have a rendezvous  with people some of whom  are placed there with a specific task of pulling your morale down (These are virus affected software) ,and some who will help you find out who these people are(virus scanners), and rest will be left ones who will actually give you boost to reach upto your expectations.

But WHY?  Why do we need alien support for something which is purely and solely ours, the only thing for which GOD has given US the power only to take care, mould and utilize for a good cause.Yes it is our Mind and Mindset I am talking about , which is inside us.(The outer cover,body of flesh and blood is surely affected by external environment,and the changes in it is directly proportional to changes outside).Why cant we ignite our spirits and rekindle our energy  ourselves, be self motivated  so that it is imbibed in our genes to such an extent that the courage to confront the challenges of the world becomes an inbuilt talent for generations to come.

Do all you should , not all you could…Be bold in what you stand for…..even if you stand alone….You WIN.

Rashmi poddar,
Unitedworld Executive.

Welcome to the United World School of Business

At UWSB we inculcate Learning beyond the classroom constantly adding new and effective learning methods round the clock 24/7.The Teaching Pedagogy makes the student’s razor sharp, so they make their mark in the corporate world. Discipline, Dedication and Determination is the mantra to succeed that we teach at United World School of Business.

Asha Dhanani,
UnitedWorld Executive