Thursday, January 20, 2011

Are You living the dream?

Have you ever asked someone how they are doing and their response was…"Oh, just living the dream!"
What do they mean…they are living the dream?
Have you thought about that response?
Well… I have thought about that response and have actually used that response when answering someone..
Why have I used that response? Because the life I’m living right now is what I have created…in my dreams. If I don’t like it I must change my thoughts and my "dream."
What is so great is that you have the ability to do the same in your own life… you have the ability to live whatever "dream" you project in your mind.
How do you wish to live? Do you want to live in poverty or do you want to live in abundance? Do you want to work at a job your entire life dreading each day or do you want to be passionate about your life’s work? Do you want to have loving and meaningful relationships or do you want to be unfulfilled your entire life?
The majority of people would say they want all of the abundance I just described though they continue to struggle with making these desires come to fruition in their own lives.
Why are some people living lives of abundance and prosperity and others struggle each day?
Well…everything begins in your mind. Remember…"As A Man Thinketh, So Is He."

You must change your mindset… see and feel yourself living the life you desire. Quit focusing on what you don’t want…focus your thoughts on what you want to manifest in your life.

As you begin to develop your "dream life" your subconscious mind will begin to create this "dream life" around you. Stay focused on what you truly desire in life…without attachment. This is vital to your overall success.
Once your mind switches from positive thinking to positive knowing your "dream life" is on its way.
Now does this mean you should sit back and just wait for things to change…NO!
Begin moving your body and be alert for divine inspiration…once it arrives, take action!

Today I challenge you to reflect on your own life…are you living the dream?

Unitedworld Executive.

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